What a great day! A day to say thank you! A day to celebrate!
Exactly 30 years ago my adventure as an OD-Consultant began. It was a similar grey-misty day when I started my job as “Junior Consultant for Organisational Development” at Credit Suisse, November 1st, 1989.
Who could have imagined then that there will be 30 years of OD consultancy? Almost 500 projects? Connections with thousands of people to help to improve their organisation?
It is time to say thank you! Thank you from my heart to all the people who made this adventure possible.
First of all, thanks to all my clients. How much trust in advance is needed in a guide where you don’t know where the path will lead to at at the beginning. Without this kind of people who trust and surrender to an open process this journey would not be possible. Thank you, dear customers!
Thanks to my ex-wife Maja, who hold my back free for the business, and thanks to my two daughters Sara and Lea for their understanding of a sometimes mental not really present father.
Thanks to all my partners and employees for their big engagement and support in the mandates.
Thanks to all my teachers and appreciated OD colleagues, who inspired me again and again with new ways of thinking, concepts, models, methods, tools and toys.
Thanks to my family of origin and all my friends who were always there for me and supported me in times when I needed them.
And I say thank you to my employees, to itheca group and all suppliers who made it possible to successfully found and lead a consulting company, and supported me also in difficult times.
Thank you from my heart!
And now? What about the next 30 years?
My Vision is to build a “Business Fitness und Transformation Center“. A laboratory for the next generation community and organisation, an incubator for change and development, a field of deep connectedness, a space of consciousness, a workshop of new work.
An important step in manifesting this vision was the foundation of nextgeneration.world this year, an association to foster democratisation of organisations.
Does Switzerland need one more association? What motivated me to found this association?
It was the insight, that the purpose of democracy is to have the freedom to create the paradise to live in. Democracy does not only offer the structures and rules for this, but fosters also the needed consciousness. The consciousness namely, that I am not only responsible for my job but also for the system I work in. This shift of consciousness, this awakening is going on globally, and I’m glad to be a part of this movement with nextgeneration.world.
Everybody who would like to support the association actively or passively is kindly invited to do so; just contact me 🙂
In Switzerland ten thousands of small and medium sized enterprises must solve their succession in the next years. Democratization is in many cases a perfect solution for succession: the employees take over the company in collective leadership. Therefore nextgeneration.world will put a special focus on this theme.
With three events in the next months we will show how democratisation works in sme’s:
- at November 18 in Zurich at Rahn+Bodmer: “Democratisation as a solution for succesion in highly owner dependent SME’s
- at February 5th, 2020 in Zurich at the Institut für systemische Impulse isi: Agility with democratication (in German)
- at February 7th, 2020 in Ins near Murten/Bern at the Zentrum für Heilung und Bewusstsein inslot: Agilität durch Demokratisierung (in German)
Everybody who wants to experience the fire of large groups and wants to understand this powerful method of organisational transformation has the opportunity at December 10-11, 2019: together with Claudia Beutter I will lead the course Grossgruppemethoden – In der VUCA-Welt wirkungsvoll transformieren at the University of Applied Science Zurich ZHAW (in German).
The Rahn+Bodmer event is for entrepreneurs in or before their succession process. Interested entrepreneurs can sign up sending me an email; nextgeneration.world offers 7 seats for free. The other two events are open for all interested, please sign up on the corresponding website. I’m looking forward to meet you there.
Again, a warm than you to all the people who trusted and supported me in the last 30 years!
And I’m looking forward to many more inspiring and value creating encounters and wish to all readers joyful autumn days!
Küsnacht, November 1st, 2019,
Ralph Höfliger